
Project Proposal
For my internship I will be interning at Columbine Christian School. Columbine Christian School teaches preschool-8th grade. Columbine wants kids to learn about God and to teach in ways where kids get that learning experience.

My mentor is an amazing woman named Laura Driver she is the teacher of 1st and 2nd grade. My mentor recently had knee surgery I can help her by assisting her in the classroom and being with the kids. Working with children is what I love, it’s my passion. Laura can show me different ways I can teach kids in a way that I love which is teaching them about God and helping them academically. Because of her passion for teaching kids I know Laura can teach me many different things.

I was originally supposed to go to Costa Rica and work in the children’s ministry with missionaries my family knows very well. Things ended up not working out. My link director knew that working with kids and simply helping people around me is what I love. She knew about Columbine Christian School and she told me about it. She made some phone calls and was able to get me an interview. I went to my interview and I fell in love with the children and adults around me. I admired the passion every teacher had for teaching these kids, I knew this is where I wanted to be.

For my project I will be designing a lesson for the kids and teaching.

When my Costa Rica internship fell through I was heartbroken. I knew it was a possibility that it wouldn't work out but I was doing my best to make it happen. I kept a positive attitude and kept my mind and options open. Things can be hard sometimes, I had to raise money for the trip, I sold jewelry that I had made. I thought for sure that I was going to be able to go on this trip. Things can change in a blink of an eye. I am very excited and happy to be interning at Columbine. I think in the end not going to Costa Rica was a safe decision for this timing. I know I will be very happy at Columbine and I am honored to have a mentor like Mrs. Driver.

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